About Loanbiz

Are you looking for a quicker, easier way to obtain the funds you need to buy your own home, consolidate debts or invest in property? The team at Loanbiz has access to over 40 lenders, giving us the ability to find the ideal loan for your situation.

Find out more about our services.

Our Services

About Loanbiz

Vehicle Finance

Are you looking to purchase a vehicle for work, a new ute, van or truck in the coming months, then motor vehicle finance may be what you need.

At Loanbiz, we can help you find the ideal loan for your business situation.


Vehicle Finance

Equipment Finance

Obtaining or replacing any piece of heavy equipment, such as bulldozers or excavators, can be an expensive endeavour. Therefore, it’s important to know your financial options to help protect your business from any unnecessary expenditure.

Discover how Loanbiz can help get you the right finance for your situation.


Equipment Finance

Speak to us

Are you looking to refinance your home loan? Or maybe you're looking to invest in property? Speak to one of our specialists today! If you already know your question, please complete the form and one of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively, call 0428 899 283 during normal office hours.